Large Lightning Struck Live Oak Removal in Oakland, FL The Branch Land and Tree Crew removing a large live oak tree that …

Ear Tree Removal Using a Crane The crew removing a large ear tree in Windermere, FL. The team was assisted by Crane …

Lake Side Tree Removal with Boat Tow in Ocoee, FL The team was asked to remove a tree from beside a lake, …

Large Oak Tree Removal in Ocoee The crew removing a large oak tree. The team used roping techniques to safely remove limbs …

Forestry Mulching / Land Clearing Project Branch Land and Tree has partnered with Red Hills Landworks (https://redhillslandworks.com) to become an exclusive provider …

Large Oak Tree Removal The crew removing a large oak tree. The team used roping techniques to safely remove limbs and trunk …

Precision Palm Tree Removal We worked on a tricky tree removal project recently. The home owner needed two full size palms removed …

The Branch Land and Tree crew removing an oak tree that had large branches over the home. The team used roping techniques …

The Branch Land and Tree crew removing an oak tree from next to a pool screen enclosure in Ocoee, FL. With Branch …